NEXT PROTOCOL NEXT Protocol provides seamless publishing of Robot Services using our Robots (NEXTiBOTs) and other OEM Robots. It enables organizations to make Decentralized Robotic Applications that can run with their very own tokens (deployment and Mint Business Specific ERC20 Robo Tokens) to market such Robot Services in the NEXT sponsored consumer market. Robot income can be given to existing shareholders who would be involved in their Robot Tokens and obtain rental income through built-in DeFi protocols. NEXT PROTOCOL EcoSystem powers their NEXTiBOTs Their goal for the robot is to build an environment that would support all stakeholders. Developer Community: Build a group of developers to introduce innovations to the market rapidly. Sign up for a NEXTiBOT account to work alongside other users in the network. Development and SI Partners: Cooperate with other production centers and reduce the duration of customization and the addition of new specifications. Robot industry stakeholder...