

What is YFSwap?

YFSwap is a financial platform based on Blockchain technology and using the concept of Decentralized Finance, the AMM-based Dex Platform was created with the aim of being an all-in-one platform with more Pools and cryptocurrency options. Initially on the YFSwap platform there will be 2 options, that is YFBTC and YFETH which will temporarily use Uniswap's LP pool and will use the independent LP pool when the liquidity of the pool meets the criteria. As we know Currently Uniswap shares the proceeds from swap fees with its own core investors where on the YFSwap platform all users can get a bigger amount than Uniswap & Sushiswap from the results obtained.

What is YFBTC?

YFBTC will be based on the Bitcoin Protocol which will follow the halving scheme of the Bitcoin Network. This is intended to maintain the sustainability of long term planning once controlling the amount held. Unlike Bitcoin which will be mined in 2140, YFBTC will be completely mined in less time, which is 4 years. After that the platform will give complete control to the community to vote where the community can decide to increase or maintain its supply.


What is YFETH?

Just like YFBTC, YFETH will adopt a protocol from Ethereum with a lower supply than Ethereum and tokens that will be distributed equally to users, YFETH will follow the Constatinople Consensus. The YFSwap team made YFTETH fully decentralized by providing the community to take part in its development.


Audited Smart Contract

Surely you know the Unicat case where there is a Backdoor Code, the YFSwap source code has been audited and ensures security and transparency for its users. You can see the Report here; https://www.yfswap.finance/public/YFETH_smart_contract_audit_report.pdf



YFSwap is a pretty interesting Defi platform with a variety of benefits. APY was profitable and decentralized ecosystem gives users the true meaning of Decentralized Finance with cool benefits. Another thing is the multi pool which I described above, This provides an alternative for users to choose the best. I hope you will be a part of this interesting DeFi platform.



Website: https://www.yfswap.finance/

Github: https://github.com/abanshinoburu



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